Have you wondered why there is such a rise of Cancer recently?
We all know someone who now has it. Right?

Or, such a rise of skin disorders and digestive disorders?

And, woman having such difficulty getting pregnant?

The last three decades have experienced the innovation and rise of additives and preservatives, genetically modified foods, and environmental toxins in every thing from the household cleaning sprays we use to fragrances and lotions we apply topically. What this means is that we are the generation that will now be experiences the consequences.

Cancers, headaches, tumors, skin disorders, neurological conditions (such as ADD) etc. are all on the rise, and have you ever stopped to wonder why??

Have you ever wondered why the bread you eat stays soft and fresh months after the day you bought it??? Or why a apple can look so bright red perfect and plump?

This is due to preserving agents added to them. Chemicals, pesticides, which fight off bugs, pests, and invaders. Food additives are used all the time, to brighten the colors of____ and even to yellow the color of the egg yolks you eat. ALL of these substances are TOXIC to human consumption.

The dreaded diagnosis of cancer has been linked in over 260 studies worldwide to agrochemicals. Worse, scientists have linked pesticides with several types of cancers, including that of the breast, prostate, brain, bone, thyroid, colon, liver, lung, and more. According to the Environmental Health Perspectives, a journal published by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, growing evidence shows that pesticides found in commercially grown food can be linked to some cases of breast cancer
Pesticides have been found to reduce the numbers of white blood cells and disease-fighting lymphocytes in animals, making their bodies unable to kill bacteria and viruses, hence weakening their immune systems. Infertility is continuously found to be a result of exposure to these agrochemicals.

Atrazine—a weed killer used in agriculture as well as on golf courses and which has been found in tap water—may be partially responsible for climbing miscarriage and infertility rates.

Any meat you eat that is not labeled “organic” or grass fed is typically fed corn or soy products. 80% of corn and soy products are genetically modified, known as GMOs. GMOs have had specific changes introduced into their DNA by genetic engineering techniques where an organism is exposed to radiation or chemicals.

Corn is the keystone species of the industrial food system, along with its sidekick, soybean. In fact, you will find these products in almost every item at your local non-organic grocery store (excluding whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, and nuts). They are in the soda’s you drink (corn syrup), vegetable oils, and in most every item you will consume when eating fast food.

In 1993 the FDA approved Monsanto’s genetically engineered hormone product, recombinant bovine growth hormone (RBGH), for injection in dairy cows to increase milk production.
Most cattle farmers in the United States use growth hormones to increase a cow’s size or milk production. The FDA allows farmers to use recombinant bovine growth hormone, or rBGH, to increase milk yield in dairy cattle. Farmers also use synthetic and natural growth hormones to promote rapid weight gain in cattle,

This hormone quickly found its way (without labeling) into the U.S. milk supply and from there into ice cream, cheese, yogurt and other dairy products. Since its introduction, rBGH (subsequently renamed recombinant bovine somatotrophin, rBST) has proven controversial because of its potentially carcinogenic effects. Epidemiological studies have concluded elevated levels have been associated with increased risk of breast cancer. Some parents fear that it can lead to early puberty in children.

Always choose hormone-free alternatives. Organic meat and dairy products come from cows that remain untreated with growth hormones and are grass fed, which means they are richer in nutrients and vitamins.
About 1/5th of the water bottles we buy contain manufacturing or industrial chemicals when consumed over a long period of time are linked to cancer and other health problems. BPA (bispenol-A) leaches out of hard plastic bottles as they are heated or aged, also found in about 85% of food cans sold in the US. This chemical has been linked to neurological diseases, learning disabilities (i.e. Attention Deficit Disorder), prostate cancer and a decrease in sperm count.
Here’s some helpful suggestions:
Begin to read labels, give up processed foods altogether and eat more organically. Farmer’s markets are GREAT!!!
Use more green products around your house, take time in nature to truly breath in the freshest air possible. Use sulfate free hair products (sulfates are unnecessary chemicals). Purchase a water filter that blocks chlorine and other hard minerals and harmful contaminants. Turn off your internet connection before going to sleep (to limit EMF’s-Electro Magnetic Field Radiation).

~~~~When your body feels good, your mind will feel more clear~~~
I am sharing just a few tidbits of facts with you not to scare you…..lord knows we have enough day to day whoos and worries. But simply to help elevate your consumer consciousness and awareness. To help you to become more informed about what is typically hidden or masked in food labels.

We all have choice about our wellbeing, health, beliefs and lifestyle!!!

Making healthy choices in the thoughts we choose to think, the water we choose to drink, the foods we choose to eat, and the physical activities we choose to partake in will help us all to live healthier and happier lives.

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