Shara Ogin, OTR, CFP, CEAS (Occupational Therapist, Certified Feldenkrais Practioner, Certified Ergonomic Assessment Specialist)

Optimize comfort, safety, and efficiency in the workplace. As an Occupational Therapist, Shara specializes in repetitive strain and computer related injuries. She has an expert understanding of the causes of work related injuries and how to alleviate and prevent them.

Utilizing her Feldenkrais experience to notice and observe how her client’s posture, movement habits, and personal circumstances contribute to their overall safety and well being, she helps people retrain their nervous systems to function more efficiently and deconstruct the pain cycle. (See for more information on this somatic art.)

Shara customizes her sessions and presentations to reflect the specific needs of the company and the individual employees. She can offer no-cost and low-cost improvements to office equipment, and workstation layouts in order to combat fatigue, prevent injuries, and increase work place efficiency.

Each ergonomic assessment program includes:

  • Observation, assessment, and recommendations for the employee’s workstation
  • Immediate correction of potential risks and dangerous hazards
  • Postural and body mechanics education and exercises
  • A detailed written report within 3 business days including recommended products
  • Optional “hands on” treatment for instant pain relief

Ergonomic assessments reduce health care costs, improve safety, make your employees more efficient and effective, and are a valued benefit for employees.

Additional specialized expertise and training available for:

  • Back pain
  • Body mechanics
  • Eye Strain
  • Carpal tunnel
  • Tennis elbow
  • Thoracic outlet
  • Thumb/hand/wrist pain
  • Nutrition and health

For a FREE Consultation or more information, please fill out the form below.                     ~                      (415) 999-6401