~With no Feldenkrais Method teachers in West Virginia, I got a couple of books and your DVD to continue to improve from my lower back surgery to repair a herniated disc. Your DVD Part 2 has been a real treat… relaxing and energizing at the same time. My body feels free and relaxed immediately after your session.  (Harry Mills, W. Virginia)

~Shara is great! She does amazing bodywork that really helped me with my carpal tunnel arm pain. I’ve never been to a one-on-one treatment like this before. (Autumn R., San Francisco)

~I went to Shara because I had experienced a neurological condition in my face a few weeks before that was still present for me. She did some exercises with me, some Feldenkrais, and some massage. I was really impressed by how I left feeling more relaxed, specifically in the area where I still had symptoms, and how she was able to make the connection from tightness around my mouth to my stomach and left me with some exercises to practice. (Nicole H., San Francisco)

~Shara’s touch is amazing.  Throughout my life, I have never enjoyed massage much but this is different.  Shara asked me to walk forward across the room and pointed out inconsistencies in my gait.  Then she touched me for an hour.  It felt unbelievable and afterward my gait was even and my whole body felt lighter.  Sign me up again.  All the pain in my lower back is gone. (Ali G., San Francisco)

~Shara had been recommended to me as I was seeking help for a pinched nerve in my neck which was leaving me with a less-than-optimum left arm and numb fingers. I was immediately put at ease by her calm hands and touch which was at the same time very loving and precisely knowledgeable and which seemed to rejuvenate all the places she was working on. (Valerie D., San Francisco)

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